Clearly we are still in a worldwide pandemic so that makes absolutely no sense. And according to her it is no longer a pandemic. I explained this to her and then she said it’s their policy that they can only rent a car to a person with an expired license if it had expired during the pandemic.

My license expired August 4 so when I rented the car in July no special extension would have been made for me. I don’t know what she was talking about because I’ve only ever rented a car one other time and that was in July. The woman at the counter said she couldn’t rent me a car because they already did a one time extension for me for having an expired license. I double checked the BMV website and on the front page it confirms that everything is automatically extended until the end of the year. They assured me I’d have no issue using my ID to do anything including renting a car and buying alcohol. The let me know that because of the pandemic everybody’s licenses and registrations that expired since March were automatically extended until December 31, 2020.

Prior to renting the car I called the Ohio BMV and double checked with them. I am unable to renew it because of the corona virus. My license expired last month because I turned 25. Cons: The staff refused to rent me a car.